
Season of Motherhood - Somewhere Else


“There are gaps in the mesh of the everyday world, and sometimes they open up and you fall through them into Somewhere Else. Somewhere Else runs at a different pace to the here and now, where everyone else carries on. Somewhere Else is where ghosts live, concealed from view and only glimpsed by people in the real world. Somewhere Else exists at a delay, so that you can’t quite keep pace. Perhaps I was already teetering on the brink of Somewhere Else anyway; but now I fell through, as simply and discreetly as dust sifting between the floorboards.”

~ extract from the book Wintering, by Katherine May

Somewhere Else is a terribly painful place to be, but also a humblingly beautiful one in it’s own strange way. Somewhere Else has brought us to our knees, but also to our best selves as parents, as partners, as siblings… as family. Somewhere Else has shown me some of the noblest souls, young and old, that I have ever encountered. Somewhere Else is a constant reminder to notice everything around me with humbling gratitude. And yet, how easy it is to forget that lesson, and to need to be taught it all over again, and again, and again.

Now, as the first snowdrops begin to emerge from the sleepy winter soil, we begin to catch a glimpse of a possible end to this long Winter of ours, the possibility of the first signs of Spring. Spring will come with it’s own new set of challenges, no doubt, but it is a comfort in itself just to feel the warmth of it coming. I know that Somewhere Else is a place that will always be a part of me now, a part of you, a part of us. It’s wise teachings will forever remain with us, though I also know, of course, that we will need to be reminded of them again, and again, and again.

Season of Motherhood is part of the Artifact Motherhood project, just one image and a small snippet of what this season of motherhood looks like for each one of us. 

Artifact Motherhood is a collaboration of female artists from around the world, coming together to share our stories of the joys and struggles in our journeys of motherhood through our writings and our photographs.

At the end of this article, you will find a link to the next artist and her take on motherhood in this season. You will be able to follow the blog loop from one artist to the next until you return full circle back to me.

To learn more about Artifact Motherhood, you can follow this link.

You can also see my last post for this project here.

Please go to the next wonderful artist Leila Balin to see her take on motherhood this month.

The Beginning of our Journey to Climb a Mountain

Season of Motherhood


Season of Motherhood is part of the Artifact Motherhood project, a small snippet of what this season of motherhood looks like for each one of us. 

Artifact Motherhood is a collaboration of female artists from around the world, coming together to share our stories of the joys and struggles in our journeys of motherhood through our writings and our photographs.

At the end of this article, you will find a link to the next artist and her take on motherhood in this season. You will be able to follow the blog loop from one artist to the next until you return full circle back to me.


Sometimes we find ourselves, suddenly and unexpectedly, on a path we never expected to find ourselves on. A journey that shakes us to our core, and puts everything else into perspective.

As a mother, at first I was unable to tell this story, I wasn’t even physically able to utter the words out loud. I didn’t know how to begin to live this story as it unfolded, but in the words of Rumi; “as you begin to walk on the way, the way appears.”

Our family has begun to walk on a difficult path in the last few weeks, a path to accompany and support our little boy on a journey of perseverance and endurance. We are going to climb this mountain all together as a family, giving each other the strength we need, optimism, positivity and as much joy as we can along the way.

Our little boy Mateo has been diagnosed with a very rare illness of the immune system called LCH, an illness that thankfully all the doctors tell us is highly treatable with the correct medication, an illness however that is a very rare form of childhood cancer.

The first time I heard those words, sitting alone in an oncologist’s office (due to Covid), as a mother, my whole world turned dark, my heart shattered into a million pieces, aching for my son. My strength failed me, I had to hold onto the arms of the chair to steady myself. My stomach flipped in my belly, my heart stopped beating, my body was shaking, time stood still all around me, I could not believe this was happening to our little boy.

Gradually, I tuned in again to what the doctor was saying. “His case is highly treatable with a course of chemotherapy and steroids…”

“His case is highly treatable…. his case is highly treatable…” Those words spun around in my head. Those were the only words that mattered to me at that moment.

Those are the words and the hope we all hold onto as a family. Those are the words that push us forward with optimism and joy every single morning when we wake up.

Mateo has started chemotherapy now, and he is doing amazingly well with it all. He is one tough, resilient and joyful cookie. Even so, my heart breaks for him every time we have to go through with a session, but I have learnt that our children have the ability to push us in unimaginable ways, to dig up courage from where we didn’t even know we had it, to step up and be the people they need us to be for them. As parents we never thought we could bear such immense heartbreak, but we can do it for him, with a smile on our faces, holding him tight and singing cheerful songs to him throughout all the procedures and medications that need to be administered….

Some days are harder than others, but all the days are part of this journey we’ll be walking together as a family. All days are made up of a whole lot of love, joy and laughter, and some tears shed in-between.

I know at the end of all this, we’ll complete our long hike. In a year or so, maybe a little bit longer, the five of us will sit at the top of that mountain and we’ll look out at the great views on the other side. Then, we will also look back behind us, and see the great strength we built on the way up and how deeply we grew together as we climbed. This is for you Mateo, we will hold you tight through every single step of the way.


Thank you for reading this difficult part of our family’s story. Please go next to the wonderful artist Hollie Stokes to see her take on motherhood this month.

To learn more about Artifact Motherhood, you can follow this link. You can also see my last post for this project here.

Season of Motherhood

Season of Motherhood is part of the Artifact Motherhood project, just one image and a small snippet of what this season of motherhood looks like for each one of us. 

Artifact Motherhood is a collaboration of female artists from around the world, coming together to share our stories of the joys and struggles in our journeys of motherhood through our writings and our photographs.

At the end of this article, you will find a link to the next artist and her take on motherhood in this season. You will be able to follow the blog loop from one artist to the next until you return full circle back to me.

To learn more about Artifact Motherhood, you can follow this link.

You can also see my last post for this project here.


Beauty in the Juggle

All the balls are suspended in mid air, most of them at least, most of the time.

If one falls every so often, or even more than one, or even quite often,

remember that is ok.

Remember you can just pick it back up,

and start again where you left off.

There is beauty and humility in the process.

There is beauty and humility in this juggle that is Motherhood.

Go next to the wonderful artist Kirsty Larmour to see her take on motherhood this month.

The Winds of Change

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I’ve been feeling the winds of change lately, I can feel the change coming, but I still don’t know in which direction it’s going to take me. I’ve been talking less, I’ve been feeling more, I’ve been photographing less, I’ve been observing more, I’ve been looking outward less, I’ve been looking inwards more.

Lately I’ve been feeling that I can’t truly express our lives and how I feel in just one image, it just doesn’t feel like I can do it the full justice, cover the full spectrum of emotions that way. Perhaps it’s a reflection of my own insides shifting, growing in layers of complexity, criss-crossed feelings and trying to meet so many emotional needs at once. There are so many layers to every moment, so much chaos, so much love bursting through the seams, frustrations and tears counteracted with boundless joy and laughter, the feeling we need to be constantly on the go balanced by the natural slowness of a young family that reminds me to just be, wherever we are, right now. How do you fit that all into one photograph at a time? Where do you even begin?

So for now, I decided to begin where I am at present, with a small slice of the layers that make up our days…. open to wherever these winds of change might take me.

Because you see, dear children, I think it’s important for you to know that nothing is ever as straightforward as it may seem in just one photograph. Even as adults, especially as adults, we don’t have it all figured out. We try, really hard, to be an example to you, but at the same time we’re constantly figuring out our own path, even multiple paths at once! I want you to know that is ok, even more than ok, it’s a good thing, because it means we’re still growing.

C x

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Artifact motherhood is a collaboration of artists and mothers from around the world. Sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Our hopes and dreams for our children. With little nuggets of wisdom here and there. These are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifact we are leaving behind for children and the generations to come. Continuing the blog circle, next up is my wonderful friend Hollie.

To learn more about Artifact Motherhood please visit our website.

Life with three kids...

I was just thinking a couple of weeks ago how lucky we were that nobody had been sick this winter, everything around baby M’s birth and first few months had run so smoothly…..

Then of course, disaster struck!

In the space of 10 days we’ve had one serious head injury requiring internal and external stitches under general anaesthetic. Our little boy is going to be a true mini Harry Potter now with the glasses, the scar and all…. a confidence building scar as my husband calls it, don’t worry this will only build his confidence in life! I hope so! That was the scariest part of all, then, following those worrying couple of days in hospital little E was hit with the dreaded stomach flu, I also caught it of course after holding her through a night of throwing up, and am currently battling my way through it, whilst breastfeeding.… A is on his way down as I can see he’s not feeling well this afternoon either. We’ve also had a case of worms, and nits in the midst of all this…! Oh, did I also mention I have a really important work deadline coming up next week… yes, it always seems to be the way! When it rains, it pours!

The good thing about being a third time mum is that you take these things in a much more philosophical way than before. At the end of the day they are just superficial ailments, no true harm done, just one of those seasons of life you need to buckle up and get through.

In the cracks of time I’ve been trying to get some photos of my three littles together…. by far the hardest thing to get them all willingly in the frame! But I’m thankful I’ve managed to get a few over the last couple of months.

All in all, we can only count our blessings, it’s such a blessing to have a healthy baby in the house and overall 3 siblings! I leave you with a little blessing that has stuck with me since baby M was born, he has brought more love and kindness into our home than I thought we ever had space for….

As I enter my new family,

May they be delighted

At how their kindness

Comes into blossom.

Unknown to me and them,

May I be exactly the one

To restore in their forlorn places

New vitality and promise.

May the hearts of others

Hear again the music

In the lost echoes

Of their neglected wonder.

If my destiny is sheltered,

May the grace of this privelege

Reach and bless the other infants

Who are destined for torn places.


~ John O’Donohue


Artifact motherhood is a collaboration of artists and mothers from around the world. Sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Our hopes and dreams for our children. With little nuggets of wisdom here and there. These are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifact we are leaving behind for children and the generations to come. Continuing the blog circle, next up is my wonderful friend Abigail.

To learn more about Artifact Motherhood please visit our website.

ARTIFACT MOTHERHOOD: A Tangled Mess of Loving Hearts and Helping Hands...

ARTIFACT MOTHERHOOD: A Tangled Mess of Loving Hearts and Helping Hands...

A tangled mess of loving hearts and helping hands….

My first journal entry for the Artifact Motherhood collaboration, a group of mothers and artists across the globe sharing their stories of motherhood and leaving behind a legacy for their children.